
Radiation Hardened Dual 3-input Majority Voter

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Product Overview

The AP54RHC301 is a radiation-hardened by design Dual 3-input majority voter that is ideally suited for space, medical imaging, high-energy physics and other applications demanding radiation tolerance and high reliability. It is fabricated in a 180 nm CMOS process utilizing proprietary radiation-hardening techniques, delivering high resiliency to single-event effects (SEE) and to a total ionizing dose (TID) up to 30 krad (Si).

This device is a member of the Apogee Semiconductor AP54RHC logic family operating across a voltage supply range of 1.65 V to 5.5 V.

Zero-power penalty™ cold-sparing is supported, along with Class 2 ESD protection on all inputs and outputs. A proprietary output stage and robust power-on reset (POR) circuit allow the AP54RHC301 to be cold-spared in any redundant configuration with no static power loss on any pad of the device. The redundant output stage also features a high drive capability with low static power loss.

The AP54RHC301 also features a triple-redundant design throughout its entire circuitry, which allows it to be immune to single-event transients (SET) without requiring additional redundant devices.

This device provides two instances of the majority voter function.

  • 1.65 VDC to 5 VDC operation
  • Inputs tolerant up to 5.5 VDC at any VCC
  • Provides logic-level down translation to VCC
  • Extended operating temperature range (-55°C to +125°C)
  • Proprietary cold-sparing capability with zero static power penalty
  • Built-in triple redundancy for enhanced reliability
  • Internal low-loss power-on reset (POR) circuitry ensures reliable power up and power down responses during hot plug and cold sparing operations
  • Class 2 ESD protection (4000 V HBM, 500 V CDM)
  • TID resilience of 30 krad (Si) or 300 krad (Si)
  • SEL resilient up to LET 80 MeV-cm2/mg
  • LEO Constellations
  • Small satellites
  • Medical Imaging


Part NumberCAD ModelsPedigreePackagePinsBurn-InLead FinishTID kRad (Si)SEL MeV/mg/cm2RFQPurchase
AP54RHC301ELT-REvaluationTSSOP14No SnPb 30 80 Contact Us

Micross Components


AP54RHC301CLT-RFlight Grade 'C'TSSOP14NoSnPb3080Contact UsContact Us
AP54RHC301BLT-RFlight Grade 'B'TSSOP14NoSnPb3080Contact Us

Micross Components


AP54RHC301ALT-RFlight Grade 'A'TSSOP14YesSnPb3080Contact UsContact Us
AP54RHC301ENT-REvaluationTSSOP14NoNiPdAu3080Contact UsContact Us
AP54RHC301CNT-RFlight Grade 'C'TSSOP14NoNiPdAu3080Contact UsContact Us
AP54RHC301BNT-RFlight Grade 'B'TSSOP14NoNiPdAu3080Contact UsContact Us
AP54RHC301ANT-RFlight Grade 'A'TSSOP14YesNiPdAu3080Contact UsContact Us

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